October is National Seafood Month


As the leaves change colors and the air becomes crisp, October brings more than just the promise of cozy sweaters and pumpkin-spiced everything. It’s also National Seafood Month, a time to celebrate the ocean’s bounty and savor the delicious flavors of the deep. At Motts Channel Seafood, we’re passionate about seafood all year round, but October holds a special place in our hearts. Join us as we dive into five reasons why October is the perfect month to indulge in all things seafood.

1. Prime Harvest Season
One of the reasons October is celebrated as National Seafood Month is because it marks the peak of seafood harvest season in many regions. As water temperatures begin to drop, marine life becomes more active, leading to excellent fishing conditions. This means that you’ll find an abundance of fresh, high-quality seafood options available at Motts Channel Seafood.
2. Sustainable Practices
October is a great time to highlight the importance of sustainable seafood practices. Sustainable fishing and aquaculture are essential for preserving our oceans and ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy seafood. By choosing seafood that is sustainably sourced, you’re not only indulging in delicious meals but also contributing to the long-term health of our marine ecosystems.
3. Health Benefits
Seafood is not only delectable but also incredibly nutritious. It’s a rich source of high-quality protein, essential vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to promote heart health, brain function, and overall well-being. National Seafood Month is the perfect time to incorporate the tasty and health-conscious choice of seafood into your diet.
4. Versatility in the Kitchen
One of the joys of seafood is its versatility in the kitchen. From our succulent grilled shrimp to an elegant baked salmon, there’s a seafood dish for every palate. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a home cook looking to expand your culinary horizons, experimenting with seafood recipes can be both fun and rewarding.
5. Supporting Local Businesses
When you choose to celebrate National Seafood Month by shopping at Motts Channel Seafood, you’re not only treating yourself to the freshest seafood but also supporting local businesses and fishermen.


At Motts Channel Seafood, we take pride in sourcing the finest seafood from the North Carolina coast and beyond, helping to sustain our coastal communities.